Working with Batch REST Calls to Business Objects in Visual Builder
In a previous blog post I showed the basics of working with the REST interfaces to manipulate data in business objects in Visual Builder. There is one more technique that I wanted to cover, and that is...
View ArticleWorking with ArrayDataProviders in JavaScript Functions in Visual Builder
Storing data in ArrayDataProviders (rather than SDP) is useful whenever you want to further modify the data on the client side - for example if you are looking to create updatable tables in your UI. A...
View ArticleFiltering List Results from a REST Service with Visual Builder
I posted several blogs in the past that covered how to us the filterCriterion property of a service data provider (SDP) in order to filter the results you see in a table or a list including how to use...
View ArticleEditable Table with Visual Builder - Additional Tips
In a previous post I showed how to create editable tables in Visual Builder. This entry will cover two additional behaviors you might want to add to your tables - sending only changed records to the...
View ArticleWorking with Hierarchical Trees in Oracle Visual Builder
In this blog and video I'll show how to display hierarchical data in a tree component in Oracle Visual Builder. Oracle JET has various ways to show these type of hierarchies, and I'm going to start...
View ArticleUsing Keyboard Shortcuts in a Visual Builder App
Keyboard shortcuts can speed up operation for end users while working in the forms you are creating, especially for common action while doing data entry. In this short blog I show you how to capture...
View ArticleGroup Functions on Business Objects in Visual Builder
In this blog I'll show you how to use functions such as Sum, Avg and Count on the data you store in business objects in Visual Builder. While you don't have direct way to write a sql statement to get...
View ArticleVersioning Oracle Database Objects & CI/CD with Liquibase - An Update
Back in 2017 I wrote a blog entry with a demo video showing how to manage the development lifecycle of database objects in a database with Liquibase and Oracle Developer Cloud Service. That post, which...
View ArticleLeveraging Application Profiles to Switch Backend Servers with Visual Builder...
Last year I wrote a blog post showing how to switch REST backend as part of the CI/CD of your Visual Builder application. Since then we released both an update to Visual Builder - which included the...
View ArticleLeverage ORDS with Visual Builder to Access Oracle DB - an OpenAPI Update
A while back I posted a blog/video showing how to access Oracle ATP DB through ORDS from Visual Builder. One update that happened since then on both the ORDS side and the Visual Builder part is support...
View ArticleEmbedding Visual Builder Apps In Oracle Cloud Applications
In some cases you will want to access Oracle Visual Builder application through an interface built with another product/service. For example, embed the VB app in a portal or another app. Embedding...
View ArticleUsing Meta-Data For Oracle Cloud Applications Services in Visual Builder
Visual Builder can work with any REST service as a source of data, but it provides additional built-in features for services exposed by Oracle Cloud Application (Oracle SaaS). Visual Builder is...
View ArticleMoving Visual Builder Apps to Visual Builder Studio
If you currently develop applications with Visual Builder we hope you already saw the news about the new Oracle Visual Builder Studio offering. This new service adds a complete environment that helps...
View ArticleManaging Business Objects Lifecycle with Visual Builder Studio
With Visual Builder Studio the lifecycle of the application's code is managed separately from that of data that is stored in business objects. In this blog we'll show you how to hook up data management...
View ArticleAutomating Data Load into Visual Builder Business Objects
Visual Builder is often used to create apps that let users review and update data located in an external system. When the external system lacks proper REST APIs to support directly reading and writing...
View ArticleImproving Perceived Performance for Visual Builder Pages
Perceived performance is how your end user perceived the speed of your application. There are all sorts of "tricks" you can use to influence this perception and help your application seem faster in the...
View ArticleMulti-row Selection with JET 9 in Visual Builder
With the new support for Oracle JET 9 in Oracle Visual Builder, it's much simpler to create a multi-row selection enabled table that with checkboxes for row selection. Below is a quick video showing...
View ArticleGetting Additional Values from a Select-Single Component
With newer versions of Oracle JET we are recommending using the new select-single instead of the old (and deprecated) select-one component. In a past blog entry about tips for using lists in Visual...
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