The latest and greatest flavor of the Oracle Database in the cloud is Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP). One of the Autonomous DB flavors that, it is optimized for OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing) Applications - the type that you and I usually work on.
One new feature in the world of ATP is the way that you connect to the DB, connection is done leveraging wallets to make sure that your data is secured even though you are connecting over public internet. Here are instructions on how to get such a wallet file for your instance of ATP.
We introduced an enhancement to the latest version of Developer Cloud Service that allows you to connect to ATP from your CI/CD automation jobs. This can help you automate CI/CD for SQL scripts that you need to run against that DB.
As I mentioned in past blogs, DevCS has built in support for the SQLcl utility, allowing you to run SQL scripts against an Oracle database as part of your CI/CD chain. If you want to connect the SQLcl utility in DevCS to ATP, it will need to have access to your file. You can achieve this by uploading the file into your git repository.
Then in your SQLcl configuration you'll specify the user/pass like before, and then point the field titled Credentials File to the file location. (in the screenshot below, the zip file is at the top of the git repo connected to the build - so there is no need to add a path). In the next field, titled connection string, you specify the name used in the wallet's tnsnames.ora file to connect to the DB.
Now you can continue as usual and provide inline SQL or point to SQL files from your git repository.