In the latest version of Oracle Application Builder Cloud Service (ABCS) that we rolled out at the beginning of May we introduced a set of new code templates for creating Business Object Providers.
Business Object Providers - or BOPs for short - are a mechanism that allow you to extend ABCS and have it access external REST sources of data. In the video below I'm going to show you how to use the most basic template provided for BOPs - which allows you to create a read only BOP.
The template has 2 files that you need to change - one (RESTOperationProvider.js) that has the code for accessing the REST service and reading the results, and the other (RESTEntityProvider.js) has the code that defines the structure of the object you are creating.
In the video I'm using this URL - - that gets you a list of projects/repositories that Oracle owns on Github:
Once you created a BOP you can add a new "external service" to your application in the data designer, and then you can use that object like you would any other.
Check it out: